Our AI Declaration

If you have read my book, The GSD Factor, you know my grandfather General Joseph S. Bleymaier’s accomplishments with NASA and the Space Program. He would later become known as the “Father of the Titan III Missile” and be awarded some of our country’s highest honors due to his contributions to air research and development.   […]

Bring In The Ships + Meg Duty

Bring In The Ships In the last month there have been some great conversations happening around the question: “How do we fix the lack of equal representation in leadership within our industries?”   Meg Duty, a friend and colleague, mentioned that we need to “bring in the ships”. It was so spot on that I’ve asked […]

GSD Blog Pay it Forward + Meg Duty

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill This year has been truly remarkable as I put my book out into the universe with transparency and vulnerability and no idea how it would be received.  The responses from our readers have been overwhelming and […]

GSD Blog + pumpspotting

Being a mom is one of the greatest opportunities I have been given. I am keenly aware of the fact that being a parent is a gift, and I feel so grateful and blessed to be able to walk this journey as a mother. I have learned to be sure that I’m present in my […]

Life’s Valuable Lessons Bobbie Shrivastav

There are lessons to be learned all around us, if we are open and willing to see, hear, and receive.  When we are in this state of receiving, we are also open to inspiration.  Inspiration can come from anywhere, life events, our environments or influential individuals.  A colleague, working mom, friend, fellow #RGGSD (because Rothy’s […]

Lessons From My Entrepreneurial Journey

Lessons from my entrepreneurial journey

Question: Why entrepreneurs quit their jobs to launch a business  Query: Seeking successful entrepreneurs who would like to share why they quit their corporate jobs and how they went about this. Plus, what would you have done differently in hindsight? Quick Pitch: We are in a day and age where it is not uncommon to […]

Hungry For More Jess Vargas

GSD Blog_Hungry for more_Jes

How many of you have built out a plan and have followed it?  Have you ever been paused and had to pivot?  Did you ever get the sense or feeling that you needed that change?   Pivoting is part of life, and it’s healthy. Friend and insurance colleague Jes Vargas recently posted on this very thing, […]

Blog Takeover Parent Appreciation by Alacia Reynolds

Through the journey of writing my book I’ve had the honor and pleasure to work with some very talented editors, cover designers, layout designers, you name it.  It truly takes a village.   I’m excited to introduce you to my editor, Alacia Reynolds, who is going to be doing a GSD Factor Blog takeover once a […]

Raising strong independent kids

Often, I’m asked if I parent the same way that I lead my teams and coach my clients, and the answer is yes.  My teams will tell you I’m the GSD boss, and my kids will tell you I’m the GSD Momma.  It’s not uncommon for me to talk GSD Factor attributes with my kids […]

Be Influential + Dr. Michelle Morkert

Be Influential.  This is the sixth and final of the six core GSD Factor attributes.   Here’s a quick recap: The GSD Factor life consists of six attributes: Be Confident, Be Inquisitive, Be Imaginative, Be Present, Be Resilient, and Be Influential.   What does it mean when we say, “Be Influential? The definition that we have framed […]

Take our assessment in less than a minute to learn what kind of GSDer you are!