“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill
This year has been truly remarkable as I put my book out into the universe with transparency and vulnerability and no idea how it would be received. The responses from our readers have been overwhelming and humbling.
The themes that have bubbled up across the reviews we have received thus far is that it’s “authentic, immersive, interactive, relatable, and empowering.” We then asked GSD readers if there was one word to describe The GSD Factor, and it was a resounding, “Transformation.”
Thank you readers and supporters, I’m truly humbled and speechless.
One of my dear GSDers and fellow Rothy’s girls has now taken this to a whole new level of sharing and spreading the GSD Factor way of life with complete strangers around the world, and I can’t wait for her to tell you about it.
Meg, set the stage for us.
Meg: By way of a brief backstory, if “Book Matchmaker” was a job, I would happily take it. I get a special thrill from reading a book and then giving it away to someone else that I think would love it too. So, it’s actually not too far-fetched that I would leave the GSD Factor in a London airport to find its next reader! Why and how this happened is actually pretty simple.
The Why: The best part of the GSD Factor book to me is that it is so much more than a book. The topics in the book are connected to additional journal and networking resources! If this book was a feeling, I would describe it as CONNECTION – both to myself through the journal reflections and to others in the GSD network.
The How: I finished reading the GSD Factor on a flight to London this summer, and immediately, an idea popped into my head to leave it at the airport to find its next reader there! I quickly imagined a little note to leave inside for the reader and laughed to myself as I thought of how to speedily motor away from a chair at the gate to avoid my plan being thwarted by a well-meaning, “Excuse me, but you forgot your book.”. It all just came together in my head and felt right, so I did it!
Meg, I’m a huge fan of random acts of kindness because it’s a simple, actionable and tangible thing that can be done for people. When we are truly living life with a lens of giving it melts a lot of other shit away, do you agree?
Meg: I think kindness is a gateway to other things like patience, understanding and ultimately…connection! And to me, simple things are what make life beautiful, especially amidst the complexity of modern life. So absolutely, yes, random acts of kindness are high on my list!
Meg, thank you for reading and supporting The GSD Factor as well as living the life of a giving GSDer, spreading light and transformation around the world! Any final thoughts?
Meg: Misha, I am so grateful to have you in my network and for the opportunities to reflect and connect that this book afforded me. I’m excited for the mystery London reader that this book will find and hope they get as much out of it as I did. If you are reading this blog but didn’t find The GSD Factor in a London airport, consider this your poke from the universe to pick one up for yourself at a LOCAL (yes, please!) bookstore or even Bookshop.org.
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